Important reminders & News
31 August 2024

Dear Members... Summer's done, bring on the fine Autumn angling!

SILVERLAKE: We need to remind the odd angler who is fishing the outer lakes at Silverlake to help retrieve escapees to ONLY fish from our lake banks & to not venture out onto the sand banks, this is for your safety (very soft sand) & wildlife protection!  Please respect this - Thank you!   Plenty of fish retrieved so far & both our lakes are fishing reasonably well.

LUCKFIELD: A few reports received about damaged mouth Tench there, well, after reporting the odd looking things to the Fish Health Inspectorate (FHI) it appears to be a congenital deformity they have had since birth, this was expected to be the case but needed confirmation, it would have been very unusual to have quite a few with the same issue, we agree that some look like hook damage. We won't be purchasing fish from that supplier anymore, thank you to those who went out of their way to report them rather than just moan about them, we get lots of that without justification. Please remember that 'every' bit of work done at our lakes to keep them safe, clean, tidy & fishable is carried out by a 'few' willing volunteers who receive nothing in return for their blood, sweat & tears except a massive THANK YOU!  Please report any issues, concerns, suggestions to any member of the committee or by return email, moaning to a fellow angler gets you nowhere (e.g: you will never be able to park behind every, maybe you'd like to offer your services as a volunteer too?  We don't want to have to do what many other clubs do, ie; 'If you live within a certain range, you would be required (if able) to carry out at least 2 work parties to be able to join the following year'

One other 'SAFETY' issue at Luckfield is that a dead oak tree just outside of our gate has started to shed the odd branch, this is planned to be dealt with very soon, until then; DO NOT park under it & look up if it's windy when walking under it, long vehicle parking is available alongside the neighbour's fence 30mtrs away (apologies for the looong walk..ha!).  Having said all that, it continues to fish really well, the newly installed Aerator will be helping enormously (even though folk moan about that too).

CONCLUSION: If it wasn't for volunteers, we wouldn't exist or the membership fee would be double what it is (at least) to pay for work to be done.  Please enjoy what we think is one of the best value for money Angling clubs in the country.

Our junior section is thriving!! Big Thanks again to willing 'volunteers', excellent work team!!!

Tight lines!


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