Match Results Table (Last 4)

Date 02/06/2024 23/06/2024 14/07/2024    
Venue Whitemoor (Canal & Donut lakes) Revels, main (change from SVL) Todber Manor (Hill View)    
Match Angler   Total  
Albiston, C 0 0 18 18  
Andrews, Bridget 4 0 0 4  
Andrews, Craig 19 0 0 19  
Bass, Jon 13 0 7 20  
Bracey, Jerry 5 0 8 13  
Broughton, Tim 0 0 0 0  
Brown, Mick 0 0 6 6  
Butler, Richard 9 0 20 29  
Chidzoy, Dave 17 0 0 17  
Copp, Dave 0 0 12 12  
Copp, Jack 0 0 15 15  
Crowford, Steve 14 20 13 47  
Deacon, Kev 0 0 0 0  
Dell, Terry 16 0 10 26  
Fletcher, Rob 0 0 0 0  
Green, Nibbo 11 0 0 11  
Haigh, Paul (Whisky) 0 0 0 0  
Hayes, Adi 18 0 9 27  
Johns, Jack 0 0 0 0  
Johns, Jonnie 0 0 0 0  
Martin, Chris 0 0 0 0  
Miller, Andy 3 0 0 3  
Nadin, Steve 15 0 19 34  
Pearson, Matt 0 0 0 0  
Purchase, Derek 6 14 5 25  
Reeve, Steven 0 0 0 0  
Richards, Glenn 8 18 0 26  
Rimmington, Mick 2 0 4 6  
Samways, Julie 0 0 0 0  
Shepherd, Mark 7 19 16 42  
Sudworth , S1D 12 17 14 43  
Tattersall, Dave (Tatts) 0 0 3 3  
Wagner, Si 0 0 0 0  
Ward, Chris 10 15 0 25  
Watson, Geno 0 0 11 11  
Whelan, Mark 0 0 0 0  
Winsper, Alan 20 0 17 37  
Wyatt, Paul 0 0 0 0  

Please note: Only the last 4 matches are shown but totals include each angler's best 8 match points

Click here to see the full match points table
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