Match Programme

Date Venue Details Draw Fish
14/04/2024 Todber - Whitepost Pre season club open 0900 1030-1600
28/04/2024 Luckfield lake Committee Match 1 of 2 (committee members only) 0900 1015-1615
26/05/2024 Luckfield Lake Committee Match 2 of 2 (committee members only) 0900 1015-1615
31/05/2024 Revels (Canal and Dead Tree) (#) Eric Sherwood Friday Evening Series #1 1630 1730-2100
02/06/2024 Whitemoor (Canal & Donut lakes) (**) Aldermaston 1 0900 1030-1630
15/06/2024 Goodiford - Away Dayz Knock up 15th / Chairmans Cup Match 16th TBC TBC
23/06/2024 Revels, main (change from SVL) (**) Costa Cup (afternoon/evening) 1200 1330-1900
28/06/2024 Revels (Canal and Dead Tree) (#) Eric Sherwood Friday Evening Series #2 1630 1730-2100
14/07/2024 Todber Manor (Hill View) (**) Denning Trophy 0900 1030 - 1630
19/07/2024 Todber Manor - Little Hayes Carp Competition (2 days) TBC TBC
26/07/2024 Revels (Canal and Dead Tree) (#) Eric Sherwood Friday Evening Series #3 1630 1730-2100
28/07/2024 Harbour Bridge Lakes Dewlish Pairs 0900 1030-1630
02/08/2024 Revels (Canal and Dead Tree) (#) Eric Sherwood Friday Evening Series #4 1630 1730-2100
18/08/2024 Revels (Main lake, max 20) (**) Maurice Shaw Trophy 0900 1030-1630
25/08/2024 Lysander Lake, Silverlake (**) Chickerell Cup 0930 1045-1645
08/09/2024 Whitemoor (Canal & Dou') (**) Terry Hatcliffe Trophy 0900 1030-1630
27/09/2024 Luckfield Evening ‘Silvers’ Knock up #5 1445-1845 1400 1445-1845
06/10/2024 Revels Over 50s Cup (& all comers pool) 0900 1030 - 1530
13/10/2024 Todber - Hill view (**) Presidents Cup 0900 1030 - 1600
27/10/2024 Sutton Bingham 12 peg ‘Silvers’ match 0900 1015-1530
03/11/2024 Wool, River Frome Grayling Shield Match 0900 1015-1515
17/11/2024 Hanford Farm, River Stour (**,>>) Aldermaston 2 (new date) 0900 1030-1530
08/12/2024 Harbour Bridge, Charlotte Lake (match) Max 10 (*,**) C&S Winter League #1 0900 1015-1515
15/12/2024 Revels - All lakes Christmas Match & Ladies Rose Bowl 0900 1000-1230 1300-1500
05/01/2025 Viaduct, Campbell (**) Jeffery Trophy 0900 1030-1530
12/01/2025 Luckfield Lake Knock up (in place of postponed River match) 0900 1015-1545
19/01/2025 Revels (main) Scuffel Cup 0900 1015-1515
26/01/2025 Harbour Bridge Confirmed ….Knock up 0900 1015-1600
02/02/2025 Viaduct (Campbell) (**) Bastic Cup / Blind Pairs 0900 1030-1530
09/02/2025 New Date - Hanford Farm, River Stour (**) Mike Park Stour Cup (re-arranged) 0900 1015 - 1515
16/02/2025 Revels (Main lake, max 20) (*) C&S Winter League #2 / Handicap Cup 0900 1030 - 1530
02/03/2025 Lysander Lake, Silverlake (*) C&S Winter League #3 0900 1015-1615
16/03/2025 Viaduct (Campbell) (*) C&S Winter League #4 0900 1015-1615
30/03/2025 Revels (Main lake, max 20) (*) C&S Winter League #5 0900 1030 - 1530

# Please book in with the society secretary for the evening series of matches. Maximum of 10 anglers (first come, first served!). 4 from 5 matches to count on a points basis. Match Fees for the series are required to be paid in full at the first match.
* Winter League. 4 from 5 matches to count on a points basis. Match Fees for the series are required to be paid in full at the first match. You do not need to be in the league to fish these matches.
** Points Matches (8 from 12). Draw/fish times are subject to change at short notice.
>> If in flood - will be fished at a stillwater - TBD
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